This blog post covers how to run the employee data replication manually in SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central and how to monitor and troubleshoot any issues. This process can be performed once the configuration is set up and the integration between the two systems is ready.
Once all configuration is completed, you’re ready to execute the employee data replication in SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll. You can either execute the replication program manually using Transaction HRSFEC_PTP_EE_REPL or schedule a background job to execute the extraction periodically via Transaction SM36. To execute the replication manually, follow these steps:
To schedule a background job to execute the extraction, follow these steps:
Monitoring the integration processes is important to ensuring replication runs are successful. If any issues arise, several ways are available to investigate problems. We’ll cover these monitoring transactions in this section.
You can use the application log monitor via Transaction SLG1 to view employee data processing information, as shown in the next figure.
Enter the following parameters, and click on the execute icon (green checkmark) to view the employee data replication processing log:
To view PTP replication technical information, enter the following parameters on the same screen and then click on the execute icon (green checkmark) to view the replication technical processing log:
Note: An overall employee data replication status monitor is also available in Employee Central. The monitoring tool is called the data replication monitor, and you can access it by going to Admin Center _ Payroll _ Data Replication Monitor.
Editor’s note: This post has been adapted from a section of the book Integrating SAP SuccessFactors by Donna Leong-Cohen, Vishnu Kandi, Rinky Karthik, and Seng-Ping Gan.