When creating a purchase order in SAP S/4HANA, we manually enter data such as customer and material number.
This wouldn’t be necessary if you had another document, such as a purchase requisition, from which you could copy this data. Copying is sometimes referred to as creating with reference in SAP S/4HANA. In practice, purchase orders can be created with reference to the following other documents:
The advantage is that if a purchase order is created with reference to one of the other documents mentioned, its data (e.g., material data, supplier data, and prices) is transferred to the new purchase order. In other words, you save yourself a lot of typing. Unfortunately, in our example, you don’t have another document. But everyone starts small.
Don’t have an SAP Live Access training system? Then it’s smart to use data from orders that have already been successfully completed. But how do you find them?
Start the Monitor Purchase Order Items app, set the Fully Delivered & Invoiced filter there to Yes, and select an entry for the Display Currency field.
Note the following fields: Plant, Purchasing Organization, Purchasing Group, Company Code, Supplier, and Material.
You now enter a purchase order with the real Manage Purchase Orders app. In SAP GUI, you use Transaction ME21N (Create Purchase Order), which is available in SAP Fiori as the Create Purchase Order – Advanced legacy app.
Follow these steps:
And now the typing begins? Not necessarily. You only enter the supplier number, and when you then move to the next field, many other fields are filled automatically, for example, the Currency, Purchasing Organization, and Company Code fields, as shown in the second figure.
Other Items: A purchase order can, of course, contain further items with further materials. In this case, you create additional items with the Create button. However, we’ll content ourselves here with one item.
You’re done! After saving the order, it’s transmitted to the supplier. With a corresponding default setting in SAP S/4HANA, this is done automatically via electronic data interchange (EDI). Alternatively, of course, a PDF file can also be created and sent to the supplier by email.
Is there a similar order available? Just copy it! Do you see a similar order in the list of the Manage Purchase Orders app before you enter it? Select it on the far left and click the Copy button under the header. This will switch you to the entry form, and you’ll see the data of the copied order, which you can adjust there. This is especially worthwhile for larger orders with multiple items.
Editor’s note: This post has been adapted from a section of the book Using SAP S/4HANA: An Introduction for Business Users by Wolfgang Fitznar and Dennis Fitznar.