
How to Set Up a User in SAP HANA XSA [Tutorial]

In this exercise, we’ll create a new user in the SAP HANA XSA cockpit and assign the SAP HANA XSA developer role to the new user.


We’ll show the steps to create a new user, but you can import existing SAP HANA users into SAP HANA XSA as well.


Follow these steps to create a new user in the SAP HANA XSA environment using the SAP HANA XSA Administration tool:


Create a User

1. Launch the SAP HANA XSA environment with this URL: https://<host>:39030/.


Note: This URL is for the SAP HANA, express edition. Your port number might be different depending on how the SAP HANA landscape is configured.


2. Click XSA-COCKPIT to launch the SAP HANA XSA Administration tool.


Launching XSA Cockpit


3. Enter the “XSA_ADMIN” login credentials, then click Log On.


Logging into XSA Cockpit


4. After you’re logged on, your screen should look like the one below. Now it’s time to create a new user and assign developer roles. Click User Management, then click New User.


XSA User Management


5. In the next screen, you need to fill in the mandatory details about the user (User Name, Email, and Password; see below), then click Create.

Creating New User in XSA Cockpit


Grant User Access

You’ve successfully created a new user. Next, you need to grant access to users so that they can access the SAP HANA XSA tools and features. Follow these steps:


1. After creating a user in the previous steps, you should see the screen shown below. Assign roles by clicking under the Actions column.




2. Click the Add button in the Assign Role Collections window.


Assign Role in XSA Cockpit


Search for roles starting with XS, then select XS_CONTROLLER_USER and XS_AUTHORIZATION_ADMIN (see next figure). The XS_CONTROLLER_USER role will let users read and write within the assigned spaces or organizations, and the XS_AUTHORIZATION_ADMIN role will let users access the SAP HANA XSA Administration tools.


XSA Cockpit Role Collections


3. Repeat the previous step, but search for and select the DEVX_DEVELOPER role.


4. Click OK to assign the roles to the user.


5. After you’ve selected roles, your screen should look like this:


Assign Role Collections in XSA Cockpit


6. Click Save.


You’ve now successfully created a new user and assigned authorizations to the new user to build applications in the SAP HANA XSA environment.


Editor’s note: This post has been adapted from a section of the book Data Modeling for SAP HANA 2.0 by Anil Bavaraju.


SAP HANA XSA: Native Development for SAP HANA
SAP HANA XSA: Native Development for SAP HANA

Want to create applications that run faster and perform better on SAP HANA? Learn how to design, test, and deploy native SAP HANA applications with SAP HANA XSA! Get started by exploring your development environment, tools, and the SAP HANA XSA architecture. Then define your data model with core data services and HDB, add your application layer—Node.js, Java, or custom—and develop your presentation layer. Finish up by securing, troubleshooting, and deploying your app!

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