Programming (16)

How to Name a Virtual Data Model in SAP S/4HANA

The virtual data model (VDM) forms the basis for all specific data models of application data in an SAP S/4HANA system: analytical models,...

SAPUI5 Coding Guidelines

Similar to the programming design principles you should use when creating an app, there are SAPUI5 coding guidelines you should be aware of before...

How to Evaluate Custom Code Usage Data Ahead of An SAP S/4HANA Migration

When preparing for an SAP S/4HANA migration, you’ll want to check usage data to see how much of your custom code is being used.

Creating an SAPUI5 Application Using Eclipse

When coding an SAPUI5 project, you may choose to use the Eclipse development environment option. To create a new SAPUI5 project using Eclipse, follow...

ABAP Q&A: Your ABAP Questions Answered by Paul Hardy

Recently, we asked you for your ABAP questions so that Paul Hardy, SAP Mentor and author of numerous ABAP books, could answer them. Here’s what he...

15 SAPUI5 Concepts to Know for the SAP Fiori Exam

When it comes time to study up for the SAP Fiori exam, there’s a lot you’ll need to know. For example, you may be tested on SAP Fiori tiles, coding...

What Are Access Logs in SAP Integration Suite?

The Access Logs section offers access to different logs created in SAP Integration Suite.

Taking the ABAP Pain Out of Upgrades

In this wonderful software world in which we live it has been said that the best and worst thing about the current state of affairs is the...

How to Create Your First ABAP Program in SAP [13 Steps]

If you want to become an ABAPer—here is how to create your first ABAP program.

How to Create SAP Fiori Tiles for SAP Analytics Cloud Stories

Just as SAP Fiori launchpad is a powerful way to deploy applications to users, SAP Analytics Cloud is a powerful cloud service for creating...