Once upon a time, there was a world without computers, internet, even fax machines—and yet somehow businesses managed to keep track of all the papers...
FICO (14)
Material ledger accounting refers to the ability to generate financial transactions at a material level, providing granular detail of inventory...
How ERP projects are deployed is largely influenced by the rollout type, the key milestones, and the scope—and Central Finance is no exception.
It’s important to understand basic concepts in complex financial solutions such as SAP FI—things like enterprise structures and useful transactions....
The accounts receivable accounting process isn’t as simple as recognizing an order and collecting the payment. (Wouldn’t that be nice?!)
The depreciation run is a periodic processing program in asset accounting that posts planned depreciation to all relevant assets. Most companies...
When you’re working with SAP and using overhead rates in planning, you probably also want to apply overhead rates in actual.
There is a certain terminology used in SAP FICO solutions to define inputs into the ledger. One such term is company, an SAP FI enterprise structure...
Although bank fee analysis is one of the more tedious tasks in the treasury, a correct analysis can save a company up to millions of dollars on the...
Financial consolidation is the aggregation of the financial statements of a group of companies into one as a consolidated financial statement.